Botanical walks Le Ver Bleu : 2 projects
Botanical walks 4 saisons | nature
The plant world as a whole is found on an infinite palette of shapes and aspects. Our way of approaching vegetation in this context is of precious interest: reconnecting the knowledge of plants with their cycle during the seasons. Over a year we invite you to take part in four botanical walks on a simple circuit that we have selected and that we will see evolve.
2020 | Botanical walks 4 saisons | Coastal path Banyuls-sur-mer
2021-2022 | Botanicak walks 4 saisons | Waterfall trail "Baoussous" Céret
2022-2023 | Botanical walks 4 saisons | Natural reserve Mas Larrieu Argelès-sur-mer
How does Le Ver Bleu prepare for field trips?
For the organization of our walks we carry out an on-site location one or two weeks before the animation and we take photographs of the plants. We then perform further identification using botanical books and internet searches. We then look in our books for the properties, uses and history of some of these plants. Finally, we draw up a field booklet serving as a support and containing the list of plants identified or partially identified as well as some photographs of the latter.
Themes about rides
the plant landscape through the seasons
plant identification
introduction to uses, properties and ethnobotany
Botanical walks on nature unique
19 August 2021 Port-Vendres Paulilles two botanical walks bout costal flora
14 november 2021 14h00-17h00 : Botanical walks Banyuls-sur-mer
23 april 2023 : Botanical walks | Tordères
21 may 2023 : Botanical walks SMBCN-Le Ver Bleu Montferrer